Beard Madness: A Facial Hair Bracket

It’s March, and that means folks all over who know little about sports and are never otherwise into “gaming” are filling out their college basketball brackets, slowly eeking one team down the stairsteps to victory.

Illustrator Grant Snider created his take on a seasonal bracket, “Beard Madness”, in which the final sixteen all-time facial hair masters battle it out for best beard. This year, there’s the absurdist children’s entertainer roundup of Raffi vs. Shell Silverstein, the wizardry of Dumbledore vs. Gandolf, Marx v. Darwin, and, my favorite, Fidel Castro vs. the winner of Osama bin Laden against a goat.   Grant’s offering the design as a poster, as well, so you can stay inspired year ’round!

Beard Madness [Thought Balloon Helium]

via The Atlantic