Make This: Scrap Lumber Side Table
Looking for a clever way to use up all that scrap wood? Here’s a side table project that will turn that cluttered lumber pile into something useful. Quick and easy pocket hole joinery make it a project that’s done in an afternoon. If you work with wood, you’ve got that pile. It’s the large, dusty, cluttered pile of scraps in the corner that are too big to throw out, but too small to be useful. I’ve built bins and filled containers, but it just keeps growing. The Rogue Engineer has a great DIY piece on turning those scraps into a side table with some glue and pocket hole screws.
I’ll be throwing a few pieces of my stash into the clamps later this week to see what I can make out of the chaos, but for now take a look at their project steps here for a thorough run-down on how to make the table.