3-D Printers, Explained
The DIY scene has certainly changed in the last ten years, and a big component of that shift is the availability of small-scale manufacturing tools like CNC routers, laser cutters, and most recently, 3-D printers. Now, loyal readers know that ManMade is not a hacker/maker/tech site, but rather, a craftier companion to those. But, anyone in the scene can attest that these things are popping up everywhere, so I figure it might be good to learn about ’em a bit. The New York Times offers a low-jargon explanation and illustration about what these beasts, particularly the Makerbot, can do. So, if your into that sort of thing, it makes a fine primer. “The MakerBot 3-D printer offers the possibility of manufacturing products in the home almost as easily as printing a document with an inkjet printer. The company’s Thing-O-Matic machine moves in three dimensions to spray layers of colored plastic to form objects, some quite intricate. Do-it-yourselfers are already selling 3-D printed products like custom dollhouse furniture at art fairs and museum shops and on Web sites like Etsy.com.”
Thanks, Tim.