Make Smart Food Choices with the Clever “Should I Eat This $#!*”

created at: 01/07/2013

Whether you’re trying to uphold a resolution for 2013 or just need a little more swear words as you check out the nutritional value of various foodstuffs, you should check out “Should I Eat This $#!*” ManMade reader Matthew sent in his new project, saying, “some friends and I are launching a site we created called Should I Eat This Shit? where you can go and type in a food and it will tell you whether you should eat something or not based on it’s nutrition. This is pretty much all it does. It made us laugh.”

When you ask about a nutritionally-friendly option, you find this encouragement:

created at: 01/07/2013

And if it’s something you might want to avoid, the site suggests:

created at: 01/07/2013

Check it out at 

Thanks, Matthew!