Blow My Mindsday: September 17, 2014

Each Wednesday, I post some of my favorite can’t-miss links, images, and otherwise mindblowing goodies from across the web.

Burger King has launched a “black burger” in their Japanese markets.The cheese and bun have been mixed with bamboo charcoal, and the black-pepper patty is topped with an onion and garlic sauce mixed with squid ink. BoingBoing calls is a Gothburger…and while it likely has nothing to do with Halloween, it’s a striking fall image. I wonder what it does to your mouth. 

JunkCulture reports, “stylists Isla Bell Murray and Jessica Saia took to the streets to create a series of photos that poke fun at blogs promoting street fashion and trends. Using clothing and accessories strategically placed in public spaces the stylists created a series of subtle but effective urban interventions to highlight the permanent fixtures of pavement life that are out there looking good 24/7.”

Voice Hero: The Inventor of Karaoke Speaks

Shinseungback Kimyonghun’s “Cloud Face” – On their own, each is cool, but they’re incredible seen as a group. 

“Behind Every Good Whisky Is A Trusty Distillery Cat” It started with mice, but became a tradition.