Holiday Gift Idea: Aluminum Photo Prints

Aluminum Prints

With the holidays right around the corner, the search for perfect gifts is underway in force. Spring for something memorable like these aluminum printed photos from PostalPix.   Almost every year we print up photos for the family of our 3 girls, and it’s so much fun to visit throughout the year and see those gifts prominently displayed throughout their homes. While we generally get them snazzy frames or find a creative way to display them, this year we’re going to get them printed on aluminum. There’s something impressive about a print on metal. It conjures up thoughts of class and style, and feels like something I want in my home. 

Aluminum Printed Photos

The folks over at take memories and turn them into something more tangible. Their site has resources to grab your photos via app, or upload from a computer. While the prints are spendy ($15 for a 5×7, $25 for an 8×10) the unique medium and no need for a frame bring that number into reasonable territory.

So give them gifts they love this year, and spring for a few memories ingrained on a sheet of metal. Looking at them a few years from now, you’ll be glad you did.