Check It Out: A Bunch of Free Holiday Songs That Don’t Suck
Had as much “Last Christmas” as you can take? Us too.
But we still want you to enjoy some of the sounds of the seasons, without all the glitz and overproduction and reminders of shopping days that come along with that radio station in town that converts to 24/7 holidays starting the day after Halloween.
For some (ghosts of) Christmases Past, ManMade assembled some of our favorite modern rock holiday music into some free playlists. We’ve been listening to them all week in the ManMade offices, and…they still get our bells ringing.
So, feel free to check ’em out. They’re streaming, so you just have to press play, no accounts or logins or downloads required. Enjoy!
ManMade’s 2012 Rock and Roll Holiday Mixtape
ManMade’s 2010 Modern Rock Holiday Mixtape
ManMade’s 2011 Modern Rock Holiday Mixtape
Season’s Greetings!
[top image: (cc) Chris Marchant]