Totally Brilliant Package Design: Tuned Pale Ale
‘Tuned Pale Ale’ is a clever design from Matt Braun and Chris Mufalli that attempts to give some musical order to noisey chaos that can often accompany drinking beer. “Tuned Pale Ale is a product that explores the musical affordances in everyday objects and promotes social spontaneity. While drinking beer, people become musically encouraged and often start making start making music with objects around them. This product aims to promote more of this type of social interaction. This product aims to inform users about the musical qualities of existing bottles and to make the bottle a better instrument.”
The bottle’s label is marked to indicate the pitch that blowing across the top will sound:
Then, the six-pack case in which it comes is tongue drum that produces six different tones:
And finally, the bottles include guiro-like ridges that can be stroked with the cap:
Learn more at 2D 3D 5D and Coroflot.
via NotCot