Winter Grilling: Ideas, Tips, and How-tos to Get Savory in the Snow
Every state in the U.S. is covered in snow, except for poor Florida. Many are saying, “Snow? of course, it’s January,” while others totally freak out, cancel schools, close down roads, and populations go into hibernation.
But for my money, it gives me an excuse to start cooking. I love to spend winter nights trying new things; complex dishes that come out of the lack of amazing produce you wouldn’t want to otherwise mask.
And though it means lots of door openning and closing, and tracking in a bit of extra snow, I love to grill in the winter. Standing outside in blankets of white, warming myself by my roasty dinner, with the smellls mingling just so… In many homes, grills go away for the entire season. But we say wait! Give it a shot. It’s not impossible to grill in the winter, but you do need to be smart about it.
For that, we turn to this awesome, thorough article from Three Many Cooks: