How a Corkscrew Can Help You Remove Stubborn Drywall Anchors

Removing stubborn drywall anchors can be a major headache, especially when they’re stuck in the wall and traditional tools don’t seem to work. But here’s a trick that might surprise you: a corkscrew. This simple tool can be your best ally in removing those anchors with minimal effort and damage to your walls.

Why Drywall Anchors Get Stuck

Drywall anchors are designed to hold heavy objects in place, but when it’s time to remove them, they can be a real challenge. Over time, anchors can become lodged into the wall due to pressure, friction, or the nature of the anchor itself. This can make pulling them out without causing damage difficult, especially if you don’t have the right tool for the job.

Corkscrew beside a wall anchor.
Photo Credit: Ashley Poskin via Apartment Therapy

How a Corkscrew Helps

A corkscrew’s sharp spiral design is perfect for gripping the surface of a stubborn drywall anchor. Instead of relying on pliers or other tools that might slip or cause damage to the wall, the corkscrew works by sinking its spiral tip into the anchor, allowing you to twist it out with ease. This method ensures a tight grip on the anchor without disturbing the surrounding drywall.

Blue drywall anchors.
Photo Credit: Canva Pro

Step-by-Step Instructions

Using a corkscrew to remove drywall anchors is simple. First, locate the center of the anchor and insert the corkscrew into it. Twist the corkscrew slowly, allowing the spiral to catch on the anchor’s surface. Once it’s fully embedded, gently pull the corkscrew and anchor out of the wall. If necessary, use pliers to help with the pulling motion, but the corkscrew will do most of the work.

Corkscrew on the floor.
Photo Credit: Canva Pro

Why It’s the Perfect Solution

The corkscrew method is a game-changer because it’s quick, easy, and doesn’t require expensive tools. Most people already have a corkscrew in their kitchen drawer, making it a convenient and cost-free solution. Plus, this method helps you avoid making additional holes or damage to your wall, leaving it looking clean and intact.

Drawer full of kitchen utensils.
Photo Credit: Canva Pro

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Next time you’re faced with stubborn drywall anchors, remember the corkscrew trick. It’s an easy, efficient, and cost-effective way to remove those anchors without causing unnecessary damage. With just a corkscrew, you can handle the job like a pro and keep your walls looking flawless.