60 DIY Fire Pit Ideas For Your Backyard
Spending time outdoors is something that just about everyone likes to do. It is a great place to enjoy the weather, spend time with friends and family, and generally relax while the temperature allows for it to happen.
But what can really make an outdoor space feel welcoming is a fire pit. Thankfully, there are more than a few fire pit ideas out there. So, here are 60 different fire pit ideas that can help you to create the most welcoming outdoor space possible. Even better, these are all DIY projects so anyone, even the most amateur of DIYers, can make them happen.
1.) Washing Machine Drum

You would be quite surprised at what you can achieve with some repurposed materials. So, if you have an old washing machine that has bit the dust, don’t just put it out onto the curb. With a washing machine drum and some brick, you can create a cool DIY fire pit with a rustic feel. There is nothing like making the most out of repurposed materials that would not have had another use.
2.) Inset with Decorative Pebbles

There are generally two types of fire pit: inset and ones that stand above ground. Inset is very popular but requires digging and flattening the earth so that the fire pit sits evenly. If you want an inset fire pit, then there is nothing quite like doing one with decorative pebbles. Though they are just stones, there is a high-end look and feel to adding decorative pebbles.
3.) Square Metal Fire Pit

There is something to be said about simplicity. There are definitely ornate fire pits out there but those require quite a bit of time, work, and expensive materials. If you want to keep it simple, there are a ton of ways to do it, like with a square metal bin. Even better, you can let the metal bin stand alone on its own or surround it with bricks, depending on the look and whether or not you have kids or pets.
4.) Inground Fire Pit with Flat Stone Rim

Some fire pits can be created to be sat around, provided the fire doesn’t get too high. This is why creating a stone fire pit with a flat rimmed edge can be so beneficial. If nothing else, it can make for a great place to set certain things down or to kick your feet up without getting too close to the first. You can even make the rim a bit wider to accommodate for more seating space.
5.) Upcycled Truck Wheel

Fire pits can be beautiful but they can also be quite expensive. Most go with some sort of stone, but depending on what your choice is, it can raise your budget exponentially. So, recycling, like using a big, old truck tire, can create a cool, rustic-looking fire pit at a fraction of the budget. Just make sure to line the interior with brick to prevent the rubber from melting with frequent use.
6.) Inset with Concrete Handprints

A fire pit can be whatever you want it to be. So, why not add a personal touch to your fire pit? At the bottom, you can have something like a child’s hand imprint to mark the point in time when it was created. The concrete will hold up to the fire, ensuring that those memories are kept safe throughout the years. You can look back fondly on what was created that day.
7.) Tabletop Fireplace with Glass

Some people don’t have all that much interest in the scope of the project that a fire pit involves. Still, they want to have the warmth of the fire and the beauty that a fire pit offers. So, why not go with a tabletop version instead? A beautiful, modern tabletop fireplace with a glass enclosure can give you all that you want out of a fireplace without the work or cost that typically comes with it.
8.) Fire Pit with Glass

Piggy-backing off of the last one, this is a bigger version of that. There is a certain elegance to having a glass enclosure, though it can be somewhat limiting. This is more in style if you like to simply look at the fire but have to plans to cook over it or anything of the life. If you have a more modern, high-end seating area, a glass fire pit can make for the perfect compliment.
9.) Concrete Patio with Built-In Fire Pit

Why stop with just a fire pit when you can completely transform your entire seating area? Fire pits on their own can be simple but elegant. But when incorporated in with the rest of the seating area? It can be positively breathtaking. Building a concrete patio with a built-in fire pit can definitely run up your budget but it is a worthwhile investment over the long term.
10.) Shopping Cart Fire Pit

Perhaps you simply like the practical usage of a fire pit but don’t want to invest in the materials or the time that it takes to build one. If that is the case, you can achieve a simple yet effective fire pit with nothing more than a shopping cart. It is one of the cooler DIY solutions out there and one that doesn’t take much time to complete, leaving you ready to use it in no time flat.
11.) Square Brick Fire Pit

Brick is one of the most commonly used fire pit materials and with good reason. It can hold up against the high temperatures easily, lasting for a good period of time. Not only that, brick looks visually appealing, making it a great option. If you want to eschew the traditional round fire pit, go with a square design instead. Simple but effective when building a fire pit.
12.) Concrete-Cast Round Fire Pit

Fire pits that are not inset into the ground are becoming more popular. Because of their weight, they aren’t a threat to fall over or move. And a concrete-case round fire pit can offer an elegance like no other. With the right tools, one could move this fire pit wherever they wanted, changing up the appearance of their seating area to something totally fresh.
13.) Round Brick Fire Pit

The OG. The throwback. The stalwart. A round brick fire pit is as common as it gets but with good reason. The rounded brick design is simplistic in nature and can accommodate for a wide range of materials. Whether it be brick, stone, or concrete, it is easy to create a rounded fire pit that looks aesthetically pleasing without breaking the bank.
14.) Round Fire Pit with Grates

This one somewhat piggy-backs off of the last one. The rounded design is the focal point but you can change up the usage of it with one simple addition. A round fire pit with grates can provide functionality as well as aesthetic beauty. The grates can be used for cooking on the grill, making it a dual-purpose fire pit in the blink of an eye.
15.) Tabletop Bowl Fire Pits

Tabletop fire pits are becoming more and more popular and with good reason. For starters, it takes much less of an investment financially and in terms of time and effort. For two, tabletop bowl fire pits can lend a high-end feel to any seating area. Because of their size, they can be purchased two at a time to really lend a high-end feel to your outdoor area.
16.) Rimmed Fire Pit

While creating a fire pit with seating right around the fire can be somewhat tricky, there is something to be said about the aesthetic value in the rim of the fire pit. By building a fire pit with a fat stone rim, you can give your fire pit a high-end feel without all that much more in the way of material, time, or effort. Even better, you can find a bit more of a high-end stone to go with brick or whatever else you choose.
17.) Large Bowled Fire Pit

The large bowled fire pit is becoming the go-to choice for those who have a more expensive, high-end patio or seating area. It has elegance thanks to the smooth concrete and requires no digging in your patio area. That alone makes it worth the price of admission, though there is something to be said about the beauty that it offers as well.
18.) Tall Brick Fire Pit

Most brick fire pits are no more than a foot or two in height, but it doesn’t have to be that way. With a tall brick fire pit, you can give greater presence and attention to your fire pit. You can also mix in different color bricks to give it a more unique and stylish appeal. The taller fire pit is also a bit safer for homes that have children or pets, too.
19.) Small Pebble-Rimmed Fire Pit

It may come as a surprise just how much pebbles can elevate a fire pit. But by creating an inset fire pit in the middle, with pebbles rimming the edge, you can achieve an elegant look like no other. Pebbles are also quite a bit less expensive than some stone and brick, making it possible to save quite a bit of money in the process as well.
20.) Rectangular Stone Fire Pit

Because rounded fire pits are so common, you may be looking for something different. Brick is also quite common but that doesn’t mean that you have to go away from it entirely. Just change up the shape and you have a beautiful fire pit. A rectangle fire pit is simple enough to create but can really stand out from all of the rounded fire pits out there.
21.) Wheelbarrow Fire Pit

Another one for the crafty, creative DIYers out there. If you really can’t stomach the thought of stone or brick, rounded or rectangular, why not shift things entirely? A wheelbarrow that has been properly anchored to the ground can make for a truly unique and interesting fire pit. You can have it as a standalone option or build an enclosure to give it a little better of a feel.
22.) Tiered Round Fire Pit

Perhaps you either have a rounded fire pit or have been considering installing one. If you feel like they all look the same and are a little too boring for your taste, there is an alternative. Try tiering the bricks, giving them a much different look from all of the other rounded fire pits on the market. Even better, you can pattern them however you want to, creating a truly unique look.
23.) Inset Fire Pit Patio

Maybe a fire pit is not quite enough to meet your needs. So, why stop there? You can build out an entire rounded patio to fit as a seating area, with the fire pit insert in the middle. That means having a totally custom-made seating area like no other. Best of all, if you decide to, you can fill in the fire pit with bricks if you decide that you don’t want it anymore.
24.) Inset Square Brick Fire Pit

Very much similar to the last one but with a little difference. Rectangular can offer the appearance of much more fire pit space and be a much-needed change from all of the rounded fire pits that are out there. A square fire pit is also easier to lay as there are no radiuses or angles to cut, which can be tricky for those who don’t have experience cutting brick or stone.
25.) Interior Tiered Fire Pit

Remember the tiered fire pit idea from a few spots above? This is something like that but in the inverse. There is something cool about tiering the bricks on the inside of the fire pit. It is one of the more unique designs out there and generally pretty easy to pull off, especially if you have a rectangular fire pit. It doesn’t take much to stand out among fire pits, but this is a great way to do so.
26.) Open Grated Fire Pit

Grating can be both an effective and stylish addition to a fire pit. You can also take the traditional fire pit design, add some grating, and leave the top open. Most of the grated fire pits that you see will be completely closed off over the top. With an open design, you can still feel the heat coming off the top of the fire pit while still getting that grated look.
27.) Waterfall-Style Fire Pit

We tend to think of fire pits in very simplistic ways. Rounded or rectangular and that seems to be it. But what if there was a different way? With a waterfall-style fire pit, you can create an elongated fire pit that stretches as far as you want it to. Rim it with stone or brick to create an elegant look and you will have as much fire as you want. Truly a potentially epic fire pit.
28.) Huge Rectangular Fire Pit

Speaking of epic fire pits, what if you just want to do something bigger? There is nothing quite like a roaring fire and the bigger the flames, the more impressive and epic it feels. This is why a truly huge fire pit, the size of a jacuzzi, can be the way to go. It is a visually impressive thing and can really become the attention-getter that you imagined out of your fire pit.
29.) Barrel Fire Pit

This one is interesting because you can put as much or as little effort into it as you want. With an old metal barrel, you can create a simple fire pit. Or you can cut it down substantially, surround it by stone or brick, and create a fire pit that has a barrel center but doesn’t look quite as simplistic as the former option. It all depends on budget and desired effort.
30.) Half and Half Fire Pit

We have seen a few different built-in fire pits, some that are even inset into a patio seating area. But what if you could do a half-and-half setup that is a mixture of both? It would entail a slightly raised fire pit surrounded by patio brick or stone. But that patio brick or stone would cut off about halfway across the fire pit, giving way to the yard. A great “half and half” look.
31.) Inset Fire Pit with Inset Seating

This option is quite a bit more expensive but it certainly is one that will give an aesthetic like no other. Not only is the fire pit inset – in either a rounded or squared pattern – but the bench seating is, too. An inset fire pit with additional inset seating can provide ample seating space and the kind of luxurious look that many desire. Truly one of the best options out there if your budget can stand it.
32.) Rounded Fire Pit with “Tooth” Pattern

Rounded fire pits are the most common but they don’t have to be boring or simplistic. All it takes is a little thinking outside the box and that is precisely what this style of rounded fire pit is. With a few simple cuts, you can create a “tooth” pattern that gives the brick a truly unique aesthetic and helps it stand apart from the litany of rounded brick fire pits out there.
33.) Gravel Patio with Fire Pit

For those looking to go for the full patio and fire pit look, building in brick or concrete can get expensive fast. But what if there were a cheaper, easier way to make up a brand-new seating area and fire pit? You can create a patio with a fire pit using gravel. Evenly laid gravel can have a beautiful, rustic look that looks different from all the brick and stone out there.
34.) Inset Brick Fire Pit

If you are particularly fond of brick but don’t really want to do the same old standalone fire pit that everyone else does, there is something else you can try. By digging out a foot or so below ground, you can create an inset brick fire pit that retains the look of brick that is so popular while giving your fire pit a little bit of a different appeal. You can even dig it out in a rectangular pattern, too.
35.) Ringed Round Fire Pit

Let’s get a little more creative with those rounded fire pits. With a little bit of extra brick, stone, and gravel, you can create “rings” from each material. A ringed fire pit can really stand out because it requires more creativity and work than your traditional ringed fire pit. Using pebbles, you can create a ring between two brick or stone rings to give it a truly ornate look.
36.) Rounded Stone Fire Pit with Seating

Whether using brick or stone, you don’t have to limit your fire pit to be the only area that you build out. Instead of just building out an outdoor stone fire pit, seating as well. You can get creative by building out individual seats or bench seating, whatever suits your needs best. There is something high-quality about the aesthetic of the built-in stone or brick seating that can’t be matched.
37.) Simple Stone Fire Pit

There are a ton of different options out there but why not go with something that has proven to be effective? Instead of a brick fire pit, you can opt for something a bit more classy and elegant in the form of a stone fire pit. It doesn’t take much additional work, though the stone may cost a little bit more to furnish. Still, it can provide a better, high-end feel that brick does not.
38.) Round Grated Fire Pit

Grated fireplaces can be good for a few reasons. The most pivotal reason to have a rounded grate covering is to keep debris and other unwanted things from getting into the fire pit. Not only that, the matte black can provide a certain appeal to the fire pit as well. It is a simple yet effective way to give your fire pit a different look.
39.) Old School Stone Fire Pit

Going with a stone fire pit is a great choice but you don’t have to go with something that has been smoothed over. Getting rough stone can provide a certain rustic appeal to it. That rough stone fire pit can give you the unique aesthetic of a fire pit but without having to spend too much to get that appeal. It isn’t the most high-end look but it has its own appeal.
40.) Simple Inset Brick Fire Pit

Brick remains a popular option for good reason. Not only does it come in a plethora of colors, it can be quite easy to work with in a simple rectangle or square. So, why not do a simple inset brick fire pit instead of the traditional round one? Inset looks cleaner and smoother and the brick can create a smooth, clean design that most others cannot.
41.) Well Style Fire Pit

Very similar to the taller fire pit from above. A well-style fire pit is very much like your average rounded fire pit but a lot bigger. You can adjust the height to be as tall as you choose, which makes it a much safer option for those who have pets or children. It also has a unique look to it that doesn’t look the same as other fire pits out there.
42.) Retaining Wall Fire Pit

Retaining walls are quite popular in backyard landscaping. It has a clean, smooth aesthetic that works well with straight lines and sharp cuts. So, it only makes sense to reason that you can create a retaining wall fire pit, too. Retaining walls not only have the smooth aesthetic that is quite popular, but it can also be a great way to keep moisture out of your fire pit as well.
43.) Landscape Wall Stone Fire Pit

This fire pit option is quite similar to the retaining wall option, though it doesn’t have some of the practicality that a retaining wall fire pit has. A landscape wall stone fire pit can give you the visual aesthetic of a retaining wall fire pit but without the practicality (or the cost). It won’t keep moisture out of the fire pit, but it will look just as good as a retaining wall fire pit.
44.) Professional-Looking Fire Pit

The one thing to keep in mind about most fire pits is that they can look like an amateur did them. That is because most of the time, an amateur did them. But if you want to truly stand apart from the rest of the options, it means using better materials. A professional-looking fire pit is often times made of a more expensive material like granite, something that can hold up to the heat but has a luxurious feel.
45.) Multi-level Fire Pit

If you have been looking for a more comprehensive design for your fire pit, this is the one for you. It isn’t quite the same as a tiered fire pit because it is much bigger than that. A multi-level fire pit is almost akin to a jacuzzi in terms of size and the different tiers can really provide a different look and feel than the rest of the fire pits out there. But be prepared to spend a little bit more.
46.) Fire Pit with Decorative Lid

Sometimes it isn’t the fire pit that can stand out so much as the adornment on top. If you want to go with a more traditional fire pit, look for a decorative lid to make it stand above all the rest. Even better, you can choose the type of material that fits your needs best. Don’t overlook the value of the lid.
47.) Tabletop Fire Pit Bowl with Glass Rocks

If there is one thing that is something of a “game changer” in terms of fire pits, it is glass rocks. Though they are simple in nature, they can elevate any fire pit to look and feel like something luxurious. With a simple tabletop fire pit bowl and some glass rocks, you can get the high-end look and feel of a fire pit without anywhere close to the investment required.
48.) Glass-Encased Fire Pit

This is quite similar to the tabletop version above. The only difference is that this is a full-size fire pit instead of one that rests on a tabletop. It is a stone, rectangular fire pit with glass on all sides. Ensure that the glass has been tempered so that it will not break with too much heat. But it provides a much different appeal to the brick and stone of the average fire pit.
49.) Cinderblock Fire Pit

There is nothing wrong with going cheap and simple. Bricks and stone can cost substantially depending on how much is needed and what type is chosen. So, there is nothing wrong with going to cinderblock instead. A Cinderblock fire pit can look just as nice as any stone fire pit but at a fraction of the cost. It is the best of both worlds.
50.) Concrete Fire Pit with Inset Bowl

This is a combination of some of the more popular options laid out above. The bowl design is different in a lot of ways, providing a more elegant feel than your traditional fire pit. So, why not place an inset bowl in the middle of a concrete fire pit? With a layer of gravel or even glass pieces surrounding the bowl, you can create a truly luxurious looking fire pit that doesn’t cost nearly as much as those other high-end fire pits.
51.) Modern Fire Pit

Most fire pits have a more traditional look to them. There is a roughness to the brick and stone that speaks to a more rustic aesthetic than anything else. But what about a modern aesthetic to your fire pit? A modern fire pit combines more smooth features than the traditional fire pit, implements tempered glass, pebbles, and much more. You will find these in higher-cost installations but the look is well worth the cost.
52.) Inset Hexagon Fire Pit

To stand out from the rest of the fire pits on the market, it doesn’t take very much. So, instead of looking to a different material, all you need to do is implement a different shape instead. So, with an inset fire pit, you can go with a hexagon shape instead of the round or rectangular shape that is all too common. You can have 5, 6, 7, or 8 sides to give it a unique appeal that will make your fire pit stand out.
53.) Exquisite Round Brick Fire Pit

Simplicity is just that: simple. It also tends to be a little cheaper but not always. Still, with some fine craftsmanship, you can create an exquisite-looking round brick fire pit that mimics an actual fireplace. You need a lot more space to work with and will need to either build a retaining wall or install one inside of a hillside, but it has a look that can’t be beat.
54.) Standalone Washing Machine Barrel Fire Pit

Let’s go all the way back to the beginning. Simple might not equal the highest of aesthetic quality, but it certainly can translate to uniqueness. Anchor a washing machine barrel to the ground and you can have a chic, hip fire pit with no effort and little cost. No need to build around it with brick or stone, either, which makes it possible to put up and use this pit inside of a single day.
55.) Faux Fire Pit

One thing that you may not have considered is that a fire pit doesn’t actually have to contain the fire. Many people enjoy the visual aesthetic of a fireplace and what it represents. You can create a unique, visually appealing fire pit that doesn’t actually function like one. Think of it as a faux fire pit. You can even add decorations in the middle to really make the entire look come together.
56.) Fire Pit with Rustic Seating

If you have a fire pit that has a rustic feel, why not create an entire seating area that has the same appeal? You can create rustic seating around the fireplace of a few big logs and the right cutting tools. A halved log can create bench seating with a little bit of sanding and finishing, creating the most rustic seating space you can imagine.
57.) Fire Pit with Swings

Building off the same idea, this fire pit is more about the seating than the fire pit itself. And if you want to create a welcoming fire pit, there is nothing quite like building one with swings around it. Swing seating allows you and guests to sway comfortably.
58.) Fire Pit with “Floating” Bench Seating

Floating fixtures are all the rage right now. So it only makes sense to implement floating seating to a fire pit area. In addition to the fire pit, all you need to do is build pillars at each corner of the seating area. You can use whatever stone or brick that you would like. Then just anchor down bench seating that connects two of the pillars. A plethora of chic seating at your disposal.
59.) Inground Fire Pit with Retaining Wall Pillars

If you like the look of an inground fire pit but feel like it is missing a little extra something, there is a solution for you. Try building out an inground fire pit that has retaining wall pillars at each corner. The pillars can give depth to the fire pit even if it has not been dug out all that deep while also lending a luxurious feel. You can even add peaks to the top of the pillars if you want to give it that much more of a high-end look.
60.) Rectangular Gravel Fire Pit

Rectangular fire pits are starting to gain in popularity and for good reason. But you don’t have to limit the size of your fire pit just to keep the size of the flame down. Build a rectangular “ring” around the central point of the fire pit. It lends an elegance to the rest of the fire pit while also giving you the size that you desire without having to deal with extra large flames.